Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's good to be back

Living with a personal trainer the past few years has really made an impact on me. I think I am lucky to have began living with her when I did because it has made me much more aware of my body and how I treat it. Anyone who knows me would tell you I am a junk food addict. I seriously love it. Most days I don't go without having at least one little piece of chocolate or a treat of some sort. Growing up I did a lot of the grocery shopping and it had the following staples: chips'a'hoy cookies (at my dad's request), grapes the only fruit, chips (a few different kinds), ElFudge cookies, fruit snacks, anything snacky, top romen, frozen pizzas, anything but get the idea. It was litterally a kids dream. But one thing I didn't learn to like was anything healthy. I have since aquired a taste for tomatoes and love them, and tried most fruits I think now, and I have been much better at trying something before I tell whoever is making me that I hate it. I have been pleasently surprised how good healthy things really are too! So I have been trying to be better and eat healthier and Megan always shows me little things to make treats better for you which is something that I really needed help with along with many other things to switch out to make things healty. I still have a long way to go and I really struggle with cooking so most times I still eat out...I just try and go to healthier places - its a start right??
Another personal trainer roommate inspired activity..going to the gym. I have really tried to make going to the gym part of a daily habit - at least for most days of the week. When I go it's mainly for a release of everything that is going on in my head. I think it helps me think so much more clear and lets me let go of the problems that I have had that day because when I get home really don't even think about what happened earlier. I hadn't been to the gym for two weeks until today. I seriously was so excited to go. I was driving home from running errands and decided I couldn't not go to kickboxing. So I went home and got my gym clothes on and off I went. I know this probably sounds so weird, but not being able to go for so long made me really miss it! I don't know if it was being away for the 2 weeks or still trying to recover from my surgery that killed me..but something did. I figured now that I gotten the nose surgery and I could close my mouth and still breathe, that I would be able to exercise and breathe with it closed too. I was wrong. I hope that it's just because it was too soon and I am still healing and that in a few more weeks I won't look like I'm so I don't know blank faced? bored? I don't even know how to describe it to be honest.... but its unattractive. Needless to say, it felt so good to be back! I'm going back again tomorrow with Megan - best personal trainer ever and I can't wait.


Muncher Cruncher said...

I LOVE when I get to work out with you! Even if we run into every person we never wanted to see at the gym... ;) I am so impressed with your willingness to eat veggies these days. Way to go beni!

R Clan said...

Man, I wish I had a personal trainer! My dear husband tries but it would be easier if it was someone that I wouldn't yell at as much. =) lol

Amber said...

Well let's just say that I haven't been to the gym in over a year, mainly because I cannot afford a gym pass :) but also because I love to run outisde!! I know how you feel about missing running!! I used to go in the mornings but since I've been sick I never go anymore because i'll just throw up and probably die!!! JUst kidding, but I can't wait til I start feeling better so I can go running again too!!