Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5th one's the charm...

So i thought i was done at the 3 migraines in 4 days... i was wrong. 2 more came - it was seriously the worst week ever. BUT my dad got the name of a chiropractor who focuses his practice a lot on migraines and making sure your "balance point" is in line. I don't really know all the technical terms and to be honest i have been very skeptical but i figured that anything was worth a try. so i went on monday and tuesday for a couple hours each day where he took x-rays and looked at my C-1...whatever that is.. and found it was off balance. So he did some wierd tweaking thing that i could hardly even feel and apparently i am supposed to be cured. I have been one day migraine free...which for me as of late is a record. But hopefully it stays that way...for any of you fellow migrainers i'll keep you posted on how long i go with out one because i'm sure i'm not the only one in need of finding the cure to these things!

I thought i would use this picture as a visual. Megan is posing as me one time when i had a really bad migraine in California and we didn't want to lose our only day i had to wear my sunglasses in the mall all day long....she is a good friend.


Chelsey said...

I used to get them all the time and then they just stopped. They're the worst. I would take ibprofen and go to bed and usually when I woke up it would be gone. Let's just hope the chiropractor worked for you.

PS I love Megs posing for you. It really helped me get a visual. She is a good friend!

Jenna said...

Oh Beni, I hope that this chiropractor works for you. I think it is time for you and the migraines to part ways.

Kelly said...

hahaha.. im sorry. that pic makes me laugh cuz i TOTALLY know how you feel

Brandalyn said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, this bloggin world is crazy. I love you hair, it looks awesome (even for hiking) and I miss you!! At least I get to see you out my back window from time to time!!

Heats said...

OOH, that makes me soo sad! Sounds like you need a weekend of quiet at the pool in Vegas. I'm game if you are?!

K. Bitton said...

I sure hope you are cured! That's sounds awful! I get them when I'm prego and don't drink enough water, I could die if I had them like you do. I always think of you when I have one though:) Thanks for the support on the hair thing...I'll do something with this hair one day! :) Hope you are still feeling better! Love ya!

Nichole Barney said...

Benita I just saw you had a blog from Megans. How are you doing? Migraines are the worst. I get probably one a month and you just want to go in a dark room and sleep. I hope the chiropractor helps you. It is fun to read about you guys and all your adventures. Did you get new roomates yet?

Muncher Cruncher said...

thanks for posting that photo...
Nothing can stop us from shopping. Lets be honest. I am SO sad about your stupid migraines though. I really hope they go away soon :(

Unknown said...

STOP HAVING MIGRAINES!! it makes me sad...

Kara said...

I hope the chiropractor worked. Megs just likes wearing the sun glasses because she looks super cool!

Amber said...

Ha ha. I love that picture, mostly because I love Megan but I love the purpose behind the picture. You are right, what a great friend! I am glad that things are looking better for you. Let me know how you are holdin' up !

Kate said...

Oh you poor thing! I get migrains myself, and they are the worst! Hopefully this miracle worker fixed you up!

Karrissa Winward said...

Hey Benita!! It's me, Karrissa! Just thought I would say hi! I would love to keep checking back on your blog, you are so cute!! I hate migrains, I totally feel for you!